Cardanit features list
Cardanit is a web modeler for Business Processes based on the BPMN and DMN standards. Cardanit supports a subset of
elements of the BPMN standard as certified by the test performed together with MIWG
(Model Interchange Working Group).
Editing features:
- Drag and Drop nodes from the BPMN and DMNpalette (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Next-item ring on selected nodes (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- BPMN and DMN basic rules enforced with visual feedback (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Alignment guidelines and arranging facilitations (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Auto-split sequence flows when dropping a node in between (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Snapshot download (png/pdf) (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Auto layout (Pro and Enterprise)
BPMN and DMN tools:
- XML view synchronized with the graphical model (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Hidden attributes panel (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Multi-diagram support (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- BPMN files import (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Model export in BPMN (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
Other features:
- Auto-save (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Project sharing and real-time concurrent editing (Pro and Enterprise)
- Online documentation (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Start from a template (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
- Customization (Pro and Enterprise)
- Version history (Pro and Enterprise)
- Automated report (Pro and Enterprise)
- Multiple subscriptions management (Enterprise)