Cardanit BPMN editor becomes corporate practice in healthcare business process management

Organization: EUC Premium
Design challenge: Expand Business Process Management across all departments
Fast adoption among BPMN non-expert usersAnalysis of wider corporate processes
How adopting extensively Business Process Management with Cardanit can optimize corporate performance
We know how Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and Cardanit can be paramount to efficiently streamline the merger process of companies, as we analyzed a specific healthcare merger case. We saw that BPMN helps understand the process mapping and the diagrams even to stakeholders not familiar with the standard thanks to the description that may come along with the workflow, which can be automatically downloaded at a click of a button in Cardanit.
As we learned, Michal Breda, Process Modeling Specialist at EUC Group in the Czech Republic, and his team drew hundreds of BPMN workflows in a very short time to meet a tight deadline. The objective was to identify, analyze and map all the processes necessary for the smooth transitioning of two premium care companies to a new structure. Cardanit played a pivotal role in this important step thanks to its ease of use, collaboration features and automated report. After a few years, it’s now time to see how Michal and his team are keeping using Cardanit, expanding business process management to other departments within their company.
The ContextOptimizing the process management cycle
After the merger of EUC Premium with Canadian Medical, the two companies now operate as one with unified processes. As of summer 2022, and as part of the process management cycle, Michal and his team want to focus more on optimization and improvement of the processes that were put in place in the first stage.
The ChallengeProcess management as a corporate method
One of the tasks of Michal’s process team is to expand BPM to other subsidiaries of the EUC Group, such as EUC Pharmacies and EUC Laboratories. As of summer 2022, they are intensively engaged in the analysis and description of their business processes and they’re also fostering the use of process mapping to other activities within the company.

The SolutionCardanit as integration to DFSS
Since Cardanit has shown to be the preferred solution to unify the different processes within the different divisions because of its user-friendliness and sharing functionality, Michal chose to make the most of it in another area that needed implementation within the EUC Group. In fact, when the team needs to design new products and the processes that produce them, the use of Cardanit has become paramount for this type of work. Michal started using the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) methodology, which resulted in a complete design of product parameters and a final process designed in Cardanit.
Besides using Cardanit to work on process management, it also helps us design and optimize new processes.
The BenefitsCardanit usage across all departments
In Michal words, “Cardanit continues to help us in our work on process management. On top of that, for us, it’s key using it when designing and optimizing new processes. We are also pleased with the new functionalities, such as the ability to transfer diagrams and elements from project to project.
Needless to say, during the COVID-19 emergency, when all of us were working remotely, Cardanit cooperation features, such as the sharing functionality and the possibility to get an automated report helped us tremendously.”
Because of its user-friendliness and collaborative features, Michal continues, “It must be said that most of our employees got used to displaying processes by BPMN diagrams, working with them and actively proposing possible adjustments and improvements to them.”
Further reading
BPM in healthcare: Cardanit becomes the key solution for companies’ merger
BPMN Modeling Explained: 7 questions every business analyst asks about BPMN
Free BPMN guide: The six ingredients for your perfect business process mapping

Michal Breda is Process Modeling Specialist at EUC and Canadian Medical, Czech Republic. Michal studied system engineering at CTU Prague and has an MHA from the Advance Healthcare Management Institute in Prague. He is an expert in the management of medical institutions. In his work, he applies extensive experience from long-term activities as CIO, Chief Operating Officer and Operational-Technical Deputy of several large medical institutions and private clinics. Since June 2019, he has been cooperating with EUC a.s. and Canadian Medical s.r.o. in the field of process analysis and modeling.
Michal Breda is Process Modeling Specialist at EUC and Canadian Medical, Czech Republic. Michal studied system engineering at CTU Prague and has an MHA from the Advance Healthcare Management Institute in Prague. He is an expert in the management of medical institutions. In his work, he applies extensive experience from long-term activities as CIO, Chief Operating Officer and Operational-Technical Deputy of several large medical institutions and private clinics. Since June 2019, he has been cooperating with EUC a.s. and Canadian Medical s.r.o. in the field of process analysis and modeling.
Learn what key features and ingredients your BPMN editor should have to ensure a smooth and efficient business process mapping experience.
Key ingredients for efficient process mapping
Learn what key features and ingredients your BPMN editor should have to ensure a smooth and efficient business process mapping experience.
Key ingredients for efficient process mapping
Learn what key features and ingredients your BPMN editor should have to ensure a smooth and efficient business process mapping experience.